Nantwich Camera Club

DateActionBackup File
22/06/2020Initial InstallSource – localhost-mysite-20200620-103154-866
After config backup file –
01/08/2020Filebird upgraded to v 4.0.4 which includes a folder restructure. v 4.0.2/3 delete folder created by v 4.0 onwards but v 4.0.4 corrects this.New image taken. See status list for image file used.
20/08/2020Added Gallery for John KayNo backup image taken
25/08/2020Links to PhotoEntry documents weren’t working. Links configured. No backup image takenNo backup image taken
26/08/2020Ran Broken Link Checker and corrcted about 12 missing links maily on obscure places. One remaing, the link th Flickr Powerpoint presentaion. .pps files are not permitted on WP! Note Broken Link Checker is deactivated until needed.Backup image taken. See status list for image file used.
6/09/2020New Programme page imported from 202021 Programme v0.3.csv
Updated Tablepress Plugin Options seetings from file Tablepress Plugin Options Updated 202021 v0.1.txt
No backup image taken. Await confirmation of any changes
7/09/2020202021 Programme v0.5.csv imported to add missing last line and clarify Dec 15th status – no meeting.
Added News item regarding meetings this year.
No backup image taken. Await confirmation of any changes
30/09/2020202021 Programme v0.6.csv imported to add urls to speakers and judges with webstites.No backup image taken.
2/10/2020News item added for Tusday 29th Sep – Thomas Peck CPAGB LRPSBackup image taken. See status list for image file used.
6/10/2020Alison Wood Gallery added. Added Dec 1st new speaker
Corrected import csv file and adding speaker links 202021 Programme v0.7.csv
No backup image taken.
6/10/2020Added News item for club Zoom meeting 6th Oct 2020.
Sorted links to News for previous 2 meetings. 202021 Programme v0.8.csv
No backup image taken.
12/10/2020Updated Programme up to Christmas with updates from Trevor.No backup image taken.
22/10/2020Added Comp 1 PIsNo backup image taken.
22/10/2020Added 201920 Final league table plus league table after Comp1No backup image taken.
30/10/2020Added News item for 20th Oct and Inter team with Whitchurch.Backup image taken.
5/11/2020Added Comp 2, Results for Whitchurch Inter Team Comp, Programme updated with vers 1.1.csvNo backup image taken.
10/11/2020Corrected colour idents for Comp in Prog Table. Files used are Tablepress Plugin Options Updated 2021029 v0.3a.txt and 202021 Programme v1.1a.csvNo backup image taken.
11/11/2020Added latest Programme to link on Programme pageNo backup image taken.
12/11/2020Added News item for Coastal Photography on 10th Nov. 202021 Programme v1.2.csvNo backup image taken.
20/11/2020Added News item for P.I.M.S presentation on 17th Nov 2020
Programme v1.3.csv
No backup image taken.
22/11/2020L & CPU Knockout Competition added to Competition pageNo backup image taken.
24/11/2020Corrected anchor link for start of competitions on Comp page and moved L&CPU entry to corrrect date location on page. Andrew Charlesworth.No backup image taken.
25/11/2020Add News item for speaker last night 24Nov2020. Programme v1.5.csvBackup image taken.
5/12/2020Complete rebuild due to malware. Backup image taken
5/12/2020Add News item for speaker last night 1stNov2020. Programme v1.6.csv
Updated “Where we meet to cover on-line sessions
No backup image taken.
14/12/2020Update WP All in One Migration and extended module
Update Genetate Press
Backup image taken
16/12/2020NextGen Gallery plugin updated to v3.5.0Backup image taken
6/01/2021Add News item for speaker last night 5thJan2021. Programme v1.8.csv
WP Fastest Cache updated to v0.9.1.4
No backup image taken.
12/01/2021programme entries for 2021 were labelled 202. Corrected with import of Programme v1.9.csvNo backup image taken.
13/01/2021Add News item for speaker last night 12thJan2021. Programme v2.0.csv
Backup image taken.
18/1/2021Update WP All in One Migration from v7.32 to 7.33No backup image taken.
20/1/2021Add News item for speaker last night 19thJan2021. Programme v2.1.csv
No backup image taken.
21/1/2021Programme updated with final 2 meetings. Programme v2.2.csvNo backup image taken.
29/1/2021Comp 4 added. Programme v2.3.csvNo backup image taken.
01/02/2021Child Theme Configurator updated to Version 2.5.8
All-in-One WP Migration updated to Version 7.34
No backup image taken.
03/02/2021Add News item for speaker last night 2ndFeb2021. Programme v2.4.csv
Backup image taken.
03/02/2021Updated wordpress to v5.6.1
All-in-One WP Migration updated to Version 7.35
No backup image taken.
04/02/2021Updated Programme entry for March 9th 2021.
All-in-One WP Migration updated to Version 7.36.
Only updated yesterday!
Programme v2.5.csv Updated.
No backup image taken.
10/02/2021Add News item for speaker last night 9thFeb2021. Programme v2.6.csv
Plugins updated. NextGEN Gallery – Version 3.6.0 and WP Fastest Cache – Version
No backup image taken.
18/02/2021Add News item for speaker last night 16thFeb2021. Programme v2.7.csv
Plugins updated. NextGEN Gallery – Version 3.7.0
No backup image taken.
25/02/2021Add News item for speaker last night 23rdFeb2021. Programme v2.8.csv
WordPress updated automaticall to v5.6.2, All-in-One WP Migration Update to 7.37, NextGEN Gallery version 3.7.
No backup image taken.
All-in-One WP Migration updated to Version 7.38
Theme “GeneratePress” upgraded (3.0.2 -> 3.0.3)
No backup image taken.
3/3/2021Comp 5 – Mono added. Programme v2.9.csv Backup image taken.
10/3/2021Add News item for speaker last night 9thMar2021. Programme v3.0.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.39
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension v2.39
Code Snippets v2.14.1
Regenerate Thumbnails v3.1.5
TablePress v1.13
WordPress updatede to v5.7
No backup image taken.
18/3/2021Add News item for speaker on 16thMar2021. Programme v3.1.csv
The following plugins updated:-
Duplicate Page v4.4
WP Fastest Cache v0.9.1.6
No backup image taken.
24/3/2021Add News item for speaker on 16thMar2021. Programme v3.2.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration v7.40
NextGEN Gallery v3.9.0.
Wordfence Security v7.5.1
WP Fastest Cache v0.9.1.6
No backup image taken.
24/3/2021Inter club Competition with Alsager added. Programme v3.3.csvNo backup image taken.
2/04/2021Comp 6 – added. Programme v3.4.csv
The following plugins updated:-
NextGEN Gallery updates to v3.9.1.
No backup image taken.
8/04/2021Inter club Competition with Alsager added. Programme v3.5.csv
The following plugins updated:-
NextGEN Gallery updates to v3.9.2
Plugin – WP Visitor Statistics installed after performing the backup
Note: Results pdf link added after taking the backup.
Backup image taken.
14/04/2021Add News item for speaker on 13thApr2021. Programme v3.6a.csvNo backup image taken.
21/04/2021Add News item for speaker on 20thApr2021. Programme v3.7.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration v7.41
NextGEN Gallery v3.9.3
WP Fastest Cache v0.9.1.7
No backup image taken.
26/04/2021This page Title chnaged to 123A Change Log to be top of edit list.
The following plugins updated:-
WP Visitor Statistics v4.1
All-in-One WP Migration v7.42
No backup image taken.
03/05/2021The following plugins updated:-
GP Premium v2.0.1
WP Visitor Statistics v4.2
Backup image taken.
04/05/2021Information and News pages updated for the following year.
Committee table on Information saved as 14-Committee-2021-05-04 2020-21 V1.2
No backup image taken.
13/05/2021Added into Comp Page the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union Annual Individuals Competition. Linked from News item on the News page.No backup image taken.
17/05/2021The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration v7.43
GP Premium v2.0.2
No backup image taken.
21/05/2021News item regarding Exhibition at Nantwich Museum added to News page.
The following plugins updated:-
NextGEN Gallery v3.10
WP Fastest v0.9.1.8
No backup image taken.
04/06/2021The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension v2.40
NextGEN Gallery v3.11
No backup image taken.
15/06/2021The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration v7.44
WP Fastest Cache v0.9.1.9
No backup image taken.
18/06/2021The following plugins updated:-
Auto Image Attributes v2.0
No backup image taken.
20/7/2021The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration. Updated to v7.45
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension. Updated to v2.41.
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater. Updated to v2.1
GP Premium Updated to v2.0.3
NextGEN Gallery Updated to v3.12
WP Fastest Cache Updated to v0.9.2
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) Updated to v0.9.2
GeneratePress. Updated to v2.0.3
Backup image taken.
8/8/2021The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension v2.42
Duplicate Page v4.4.1
NextGEN Gallery v3.13
TablePress v1.14
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) v4.4
No backup image taken.
17/8/2021The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration v7.46
WP Fastest Cache v0.9.3
WordPress 5.8
Backup image taken prior to updating these 3 plugins.
1/9/20212021-2022 Programme added.
The following script files define the Programme Table and its format:-
202021 Programme 20210830 v1.3.csv
Tablepress Plugin Options Complete file 20210830 v1.0.txt
No backup image taken.
7/9/2021Correction to Programme page supplied by J Kay email (6/9/21 )relating to the Set Subject.
Updates applied to Information and News pages regarding the type of sessions at the beginning of the season relating to COVID.
All-in-One WP Migration Update to v7.47
Duplicate Page Update to v4.4.2.
NextGEN Gallery Update to v3.1
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic). Update to v4.5.
No backup image taken.
10/9/2021Furthe corrections to information on the Comp page regarding the Set Subject Comp
Duplicate Page updated to v4.4.3
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.16
No backup image taken.
16/9/2021News item added for Tuesday 14th Sep – My Restless Lens, Dr. Keth Snell.
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210916 v1.5.csv
Code Snippets updated to v2.14.2
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.17
WP Fastest Cache updated to v 0.9.4
No backup image taken.
19/9/2021Competition Rules updated with new File dated 16/03/2021 No backup image taken.
23/9/2021News item added for Tuesday 21st Sep – The Hoylake International Exhibition Brian Magor supported by Diana.
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210923 v1.6.csv
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.48
Duplicate Page updated to v4.4.4
No backup image taken.
29/9/2021 News item added for 28th September 2021
Rules and other myths of Composition Sue Clark
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v1.7.csv
No backup image taken.
8/10/2021Comp 1 – added. 202021 Programme 20211008 v1.8.csv
The following plugins updated:-
Duplicate Page v4.4.5
Backup image taken
13/10/2021 News item added for 12th October 2021
Let’s be Creative – Adrian Lines
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v1.9.csv
The following plugins updated:-
WP Fastest Cache v0.9.5
WP Visitor Statistics v4.7
No backup image taken.
29/10/2021News item added for 27th October 2021
Travel Through My Lens – Colin Dixon
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.0.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.49
GP Premium available updated to v2.1.1
Simple Custom CSS updated to v4.0.5
Generate Press theme updated to 3.1.0.
No backup image taken.
31/10/2021 WP Visitor Statistics – deactivated as no longer listed on No backup image taken.
5/11/2021 Int Club Comp Whitchurch – added. 202021 Programme 20211012 v2.1.csv
No backup image taken.
15/11/2021Comp 2 – added. 202021 Programme 20211008 v2.2.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.50
No backup image taken.
17/11/2021 News item added for 16th November 2021
A – Z of Imaging – David Russel
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.3.csv
The following plugins updated:-
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) Updated to v4.9. WP Visitor Statistics iwas decativated from previous alert on 30/10/2021 when it was reported that this plugin not listed on WordPress site. It is now. It has been reactivated
No backup image taken.
25/11/2021 News item added for 23rd November 2021
Its not what you see, its what you make – Mike Martin
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.4.csv
The following plugins updated:-
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v5.2
No backup image taken.
2/13/2021 News item added for 1st December 2021
Wildlife Photography Part 2 – Tracy Lund
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.5.csv
No backup image taken.
9/12/2021News item added for 7th December 2021
The Mountains to the Sea – Gary Jones
Programme updated for January 11th to – The Chilean Fjords and Patagonia – Harry Kingman
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.6.csv
No backup image taken.
9/12/2021 News item amended for 25th January 2022
Yellowstone in Winter – Paul Raddon
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.7.csv
The following plugins updated:-
Code Snippets updated to v2.14.3
No backup image taken.
15/12/2021Comp 3 – added. 202021 Programme 20211012 v2.8.csv
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.51
Backup image taken
29/12/2021The following plugins updated:-
Duplicate Page v 4.4.7
WP Fastest Cache updated to v 0.9.7
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v 5.3
No backup image taken.
12/01/2022Competitions page amended to remove the description of ‘Set subject’ as there will not be one in next years programme.
News item added for 11th January 2022
The Chilean Fjords and Patagonia – Harry Kingman
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v2.9.csv
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.52
No backup image taken.
19/01/2022News item added for 18th January 2022
Mountains, Music and Mirth – Paul Bates
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v3.0.csv
The following plugins updated:-
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v3.0
GeneratePress updated to v3.1.1
No backup image taken.
22/01/2022 Programme updated for event on February 22nd.
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20210929 v3.1.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.53
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.22
No backup image taken.
27/01/2022 News item added for 18th January 2022
Yellowstone in Winter – Paul Radden
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.2.csv
The following plugins updated:-
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v5.44
WordPress updated from v5.8.3 to v5.9
202021 Programme 20211012 v3.2.csv
Note: Issue with setting link to the date at the start of this news item. Could it be recent WordPress upgrade? Checking!
No backup image taken.
4/02/2022Comp 4 – added. 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.3.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.54
Duplicate Page updated to v4.4.8
WP Fastest Cache updated to v0.9.8.
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v5.5.
Generate Press updated v2.1.1
No backup image taken.
10/02/2022News item added for 8th February 2022
How to produce Images that win Competitions
Rob Hockney
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.4.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension Updated to v2.43.
GP Premium Updated to v2.1.2
NextGEN GalleryUpdated to v 3.23
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) Updated to v5.6
Backup image taken
16/02/2022News item added for 15th February 2022
Making the most of Travel Photography – Brian Law
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.5.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.55
WP Visitor Statistics updated to v5.7
No backup image taken.
23/02/2022News item added for 22nd February 2022
My Way with Photography – Dave Couldwell
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.6.csv
No backup image taken.
2/03/2022News item added for 1st March 2022
Wildlife and Work of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy 2018
Glyn Edmunds
The following plugins updated:-
WordPress updated to 5.9.1
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.56
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.44
WP Fastest Cache updated to v0.9.9
No backup image taken.
9/03/2022Backup taken prior to upgrading Fasthosts PHP version to v7.4 The previous version is de-supported and Fasthosts had started charging us £6.34 per month to support this old version of PHP.Backup taken
10/03/2022Comp 5 – added. 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.8.csvNo backup image taken.
18/03/2022News item added for 15th March 2022
My Coastal Collection – Noel Bennett
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v3.9.csv
No backup image taken.
22/03/2022The following plugins updated:-
Child Theme Configurator Updated to v2.5.9
Wordfence Security Updated to v7.5.9
No backup image taken.
24/03/2022The following plugins updated:-
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v3.1
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.24
Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg v1.2 deactivated as no longer maintained. CHECK FOR ANY ISSUES
Inter club Alsager added.
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v4.0.csv
No backup image taken.
30/03/2022News item added for 29th March 2022
Costa Rica – David Tolliday
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v4.1.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.57
No backup image taken.
7/04/2022Comp 6 – added. 202021 Programme 20211012 v4.2.csv
The following plugins updated:-

All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated from 2.44 to v2.45
WP Fastest Cache updated from 0.9.9 to v1.0.0
No backup image taken.
11/04/2022Inter club Crewe added.
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v4.3.csv
No backup image taken.
15/04/2022News item added for 12th April 2022
The Quest and Beyond – John Hudson
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v4.4.csv
The following plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.58
No backup image taken.
21/04/2022News item added for 19th April 2022
The Best of the Last, Warts and All – Paul Hobson
Programme updated with 202021 Programme 20211012 v4.6.csv
Note correct programme entry for 12th April as not as delivered
202021 Programme 20211012 v4.5.csv not used
No backup image taken.
6/05/2022News item added for Wendy Williams achieving CPAGB
All-in-One WP Migration update to v7.59
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater update to v3.2
NextGEN Gallery update to v3.26
No backup image taken.
9/05/2022New version (1.5) of the club Constitution added to the Information pageNo backup image taken.
11/05/2022Information page updated and remove refs to Covid situation. Content from John Kay
Code Snippets updated to v2.14.5
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.1
No backup image taken
16/05/2022Installed Programme for 2022/23 as received from Trevor. Imported Programme table from output scripts generated by Code Creator spreadsheet V1.7No backup image taken
17/05/2022Code Snippets available updated to v3.1.0
Imported 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.0a script to insert lecturer urls
No backup image taken
20/05/2022Links to Constitution document changed to provide access to the constitution by downloading from this site.Backup taken –
13/06/2022WordPress 5.9.3 updated to v6.0
All-in-One WP Migration 7.59 updated to v7.61
Code Snippets updated to v3.1.1
WP Fastest Cache v1.0.1 updated to v1.0.2
WP Visitor Statistics version 5.7 updated to v5.9
No backup image taken
19/06/2022Plugin Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg has been decativated since 24th March 2022 with no problems. Today the plugin has been removed as it causes wordfence errors due to it no longer being maintainedNo backup image taken
3/07/2022All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.62
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.46
No backup image taken

Code Snippets updated to v3.2.0
Duplicate Page updated to v4.4.9
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.28
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.3
PHP upgrade to v8.0.13 on Fasthosts site
Backup taken prior to PHP upgrade to v8.0.13
09/08/2022Update plugins
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.4
WP Visitor Statistics updated to v6.1
Information page updated to show new location for NCC- The Chapel
No backup image taken
04/09/2022All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.64
WP Visitor Statistics updated to v6.2
Update added to News page regarding first meeting
No backup image taken
15/09/2022Updated programme entry for September 20th – Audio Visuals
Added News items for Sep 6th and 13th
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.5
No backup image taken
16/09/2022Updated News opening heading reagrding the lew Chapel locationNo backup image taken
8/10/2022Added Comp 1 Prints and DPI for October 4th
Plugins update:=
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.65
Code Snippets updated to v3.2.1
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.30
Simple Custom CSS updated to v4.0.6
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.6
WP Visitor Statistics updated to v6.3
No backup image take
16/10/2022Plugin updated – All-in-One WP Migration v7.6
News items added for 20th and 27th September and 13th October
Programme updated with 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.2.csv
No backup image take
6/11/2022Added Inter club comp Whitchurch for November 41st
WordPress updated to v 6.0.3
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.67
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.47
Child Theme Configurator updated to v2.6.0.
GP Premium updated to v2.2.0.
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.7
Programme updated with 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.3.csv
No backup image take
10/11/2022Added Comp 2 Prints and DPI for November 8th
Plugins update:
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v3.3
GP Premium updated to v2.2.1
GeneratePress theme updated to v3.2.2
Programme updated with 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.4.csv
No backup image take
8/12/2022Plugins update:
All-in-One WP Migration Update to 7.68
Code Snippets Updated to v3.2.2.
GP Premium Updated to v2.2.2
WP Fastest Cache Updated to v1.0.8.
GeneratePress Updated to v3.2.4
Note added to Galleries page explaining how Galleries can be updated or added.
Backup taken
15/12/2022Added Comp 3 Prints and DPI for December 13th
Plugins update:
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v4.0
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.0.9
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v6.4
Issues with new Gallery for Andy Heslop – requires more research
Andy Heslop Gallery added.
No backup image take
12/1/2023All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.69
Duplicate Page updated to v4.5
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.32
TablePress updated to v2.0.3
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.1.0
No backup image take
3/02/2023Added Comp 4 Prints and DPI for January 31st
Plugins update:
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.70
ll-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v.48.
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v4.1
NextGEN Gallery updated to v.34
TablePress updated to v2.0.4
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v6.5
No backup image take
4/3/2023Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.71.
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.49
Duplicate Page updated to v4.5.1.
NextGEN Gallery updated to v.35
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.1.1.
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v6.7.
News item added for 28th February – Panel of Prints
NCC comp rules edit for 4.2 – removed words “if used”
No backup image take
10/3/2023Added Comp 5 Prints and DPI for March 7th
Programme updated with – 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.8.csv
Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migration Update to 7.72.
Code Snippets Update to 3.3.0
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) Update to 6.8.1
Backup taken – March 13th
27/3/2023Added Inter team Comp Alsager for March 23rd
Programme updated with – 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.9.csv
Plugins updated:
GP Premium Updated to v2.3.0
TablePress Updated to v2.1
WP Fastest Cache Updated to v1.1.2.
No backup image take
28/3/2023Members gallery added for Pete Allcock
Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.73
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v4.2
Wordfence Security updated to v.9.1
GeneratePress updated to v3.3.0
No backup image take
09/04/2023Plugins updated:
WordPress updated to 6.2
GP Premium updated to 2.3.1
WP Fastest Cache updated to 1.1.3.
Twenty Twenty updated to 2.2.
Added Comp 6 Prints and DPI for April 4th
Programme updated with – 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.10.csv
No backup image taken
11/04/2023Fixed 3 problems raised by David Hoyle
Printer profiles – Link to download not active
Latest competition results – Link not active
Latest Trophy winners table – Document was out of date
No backup image taken
14/04/2023Added Inter team Comp Crewe for April 11th
Programme updated with – 202223 Programme 20220515 v1.12.csv
Plugins updated:
TablePress updated to 2.1.1
WP Fastest Cache updated to 1.1.4
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to 6.9.2
Backup taken –
7/05/2023Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migrationupdated to v7.74
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.50
Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater updated to v4.3.1
Child Theme Configurator updated to v2.6.2
Duplicate Page updated to v4.5.2
TablePress updated to v2.1.2
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.1.5
No backup image taken
27/06/2023Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.76.
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.52
Code Snippets updated to v3.4.0.
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.36.
TablePress updated to v2.1.4
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.1.7.
No backup image taken
26/07/2023Plugins updated:
Code Snippets updated to 3.4.2.
NextGEN Gallery updated to 3.37.
TablePress updated to 2.1.5.
WP Visitor Statistics updated to 6.9.3.
News item for 26th July Wendy Williams added
No backup image taken
23/08/2023Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.78
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.53
GP Premium available updated to v2.3.2
Regenerate Thumbnails updated to v3.1.6
TablePress updated to v2.1.7
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.1.8
WordPress updated to v6.3
Programme for 2023/24 added using scripts:-
Programme Format 20220515 2023-24 Full file with changes V1.1.txt
202324 Programme 20230822 v1.2.txt
No backup image taken
25/08/3023Corrections to Information page, comittee roles and operational info
GeneratePress updated to v3.3.1.
No backup image taken
31/08/2023Changes made to various pages as supplied by John KayNo backup image taken
2/09/2023Emma England site and FB and Instagram pages link on Links page. Paul Topham links removed as he has left the club/No backup image taken
8/09/2023Backup prior to 2023-24 season.
First update to news item meeting 1
Backup image-
14/09/2023News item for Tuesday 12th September 2023 – 177 years of Photoshopping – Sue Clark LRPS CPAGB AWPF added.No backup image taken
21/09/2023Plugins updated:
Code Snippets updated to v3.5.0
Duplicate Page updated to v4.5.3.
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.39.
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.1.9
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) updated to v6.9.4.
News item for Tuesday 19th September 2023 – Beautiful Burma or Magical Myanmar – Judith Angel LRPS
No backup image taken
22/09/2023Programme for 2023/24 corrected title for 12th Sep to be 177 years using scripts:- 202324 Programme 20230822 v1.5.txtNo backup image taken
30/09/2023News item for Tuesday 12th September 2023 – Digital AV For Beginners –
John Smith APAGB CPAGB. Programme script – 202324 Programme 20230822 v1.6.txt
Plugins updated:
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.41
No backup image taken
05/10/2023Comp 1 added for October 3rd
Programme updated with script 202324 Programme 20230822 v1.7.txt
Plugins updated:
Child Theme Configurator updated to v2.6.3
TablePress updated to v2.1.8
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.2.0
No backup image taken
12/10/2023News item for Tuesday 10th October 2023 – Wild Britain – Paul Bingham
Programme updated with script 202324 Programme 20230822 v1.8.txt
Plugins updated:
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.79
No backup image taken
18/10/2023Corrected a problem raised by Andrew Charlesworth regarding March 23 Comp 5. The links to this gallery were not working. I think it is as a result of a functionality chnage in WordPress which I have worked around and up dated my documatationNo backup image taken
19/10/2023Plugins updated: All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.54
News item for Tuesday 17th October 2023 – Stars, Dragons and an Inflatable President (Astrophotography & More)
Rev Richard Hainsworth
Programme updated with script 202324 Programme 20230822 v1.9.txt
No backup image taken
25/20/2023Plugins updated: Twenty Twenty theme updated to v2.3
News item for 24th Oct ’23 added – Macro photography workshop with focus stacking
Justin Garner
No backup image taken
Comp – Nantwich v Whitchurch Interclub Competition – 31st October 2023
Programme updated with script – 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.1.txt
Plugins updated:
TablePress update to v2.2
WP Fastest Cache update to v1.2.1
No backup image taken
10/11/2023Comp 2 added 7th Nov 2023
Programme updated with script – 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.2.txt
Plugins updated:
WordPress updated to v6.4.1
Auto Image Attributes updated to v4.4
Code Snippets updated to v3.6.1
TablePress updated to v2.2.2
Backup taken due to WP update
15/11/2023News item for Tuesday 14th November 2023 – Post Processingn – Adobe Photoshop + The Use of Plugins – Wray Douglas
Programme updated with script 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.3.txt
Plugins updated:
Code Snippets updated to v3.6.2.
TablePress updated to v2.2.3
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.2.2.
No backup image taken
18/11/20235 towns inter club competition added
script 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.4.txt used to update programme
No backup image taken
20/1/2023Added report on 5 Towns competition in the News section linking back to the Competitions page and section.
Competition headings added to News page with links back to Comp the relevant page inserted going back to 4th Oct 2022
No backup image taken
26/11/2023Added report on Image improvements: RAW file to competition entry –
Andrew Charlesworth CPAGB in the News section
script 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.6.txt used to update programme
No backup image taken
Added report on Travel & Wildlife Photography
Mick Ryan – Freelance Travel & Wildlife Photographer in the News section
script 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.7.txt used to update programme
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.50.
No backup image taken
07/12/2023Added report on Photographic Tapas hosted by Dave Foster
script 202324 Programme 20230822 v2.8.txt used to update programme
WordPress updated to v6.4.2
NextGEN Gallery aupdated to v3.54
Backup taken due to WordPress
Unable to download locally.
Try another day
Downloaded backup locally using Filezilla
16/12/2023Comp 3 added for 12th Dec 2023
202324 Programme 20230822 v2.9.txt used to update programme table
Plugins update:-
TablePress updated to v2.2.4
NextGEN Gallery updated to v.55
No backup image taken
30/12/2023Applied 3 corrections as supplied by John Kay
Link on Comp page changed to go to how-to page
Comp rules out of date copy link corrected
Robert Millin name corrected in several places
No backup image taken
05/01/2024Link to Facebook page added on the bottom of About Us page and at the bottom of the links page.No backup image taken
14/01/2024Added report on Members’ A/V Evening facilitated by David Hoyle
Photo added Jan 18th 2024
Following plugins updated:-
Child Theme Configuratorupdates to v2.6.5
Child Theme Configurator Updated to v 2.6.4.
GP Premium Updated to v2.4.0.
NextGEN Gallery Updated to v3.57.
WP Fastest Cache Updated to 1.2.3.
WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) Updated to 6.9.5.
Twenty twenty theme updates Jan 18th
No backup image taken
21/01/2024Child Theme Configurator updated to v2.6.5
Added report on 50th Retrospective – Tillman Kleinhans
News update for 50th Retrospective
Tillman Kleinhans. Updated with file – 202324 Programme 20230822 v3.2.txt
No backup image taken
24/01/2024News update for An evening of photos taken on mobile phones.
Updated with file – 202324 Programme 20230822 v3.2.txt
No backup image taken
02/02/2024TablePress updated to v2.2.5Backup taken –
05/02/2024PHP upgraded from v8.0 to 8.2. V8.0 at end of service life and not supported with monthly extended support chargeNo backup image taken
09/02/2024Comp 4 added for 30th Dec 2023
202324 Programme 20230822 v3.4.txt used to update programme table
Plugins update:-
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.58
WordPress current updated to v6.4.3
No backup image taken
10/02/2024News update for Scotland Behind the Lens
By Stephen Ball LRPS.
Updated with file – 202324 Programme 20230822 v3.5.txt
No backup image taken
16/02/2024News update for Annual Club Exhibition 2024 and Presentation By Club Member Pete Allcock Hon. CPE
script 202324 Programme 20230822 v3.6.txt used for programme
Wordfence Security updated to v7.11.3
No backup image taken
22/02/2024News update for Panel of Prints Wendy Williams CPAGB. script 202324 Programme 20230822 v3.7.txt used for programme update.
Plugin All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.80
League tables for Comp 2,3 and 4 missing from Comp page. Now added
No backup image taken
03/03/2024News update for Lights Cameras Action: Sports Photography Roger Evans MPAGB FBPE EFIAP.
Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v3.8.txt used fto updat e the Programme.
No backup image taken
10/03/2024Comp 5 added for 5th Mar 2024
202324 Programme 20230822 v3.9.txt used to update programme table.
Plugins update:- All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.81 and All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.55
No backup image taken
14/03/2024News update for Nature Healing The Mind Mike Phelps.
Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v4.0.txt used for programme update.
Plugins update:- All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.56
NextGEN Gallery Unlimited Extension updated to v3.59
WP Fastest Cache updated to v.2.4
No backup image taken
25/03/2024Plugins update:-
Child Theme Configurator updated to v2.6.6
Code Snippets updated to v3.6.4
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.2.4
News update for Sports Photography
George Franks. Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v4.1.txt used to update Programme.
No backup image taken
31/03/2024Inter club – Nantwich vs Alsager Interclub competiton added to Comp page.Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v4.2.txt used to update Programme.No backup image taken
7/04/2024News update for 2nd April 2024
UV and Other Light Painting Marc Byram
Plugins update:-
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.59.1
TablePress updated to v2.3
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.2.5
WordPress updated to v6.5
Backup image taken prior
to updating WordPress.
9/04/2024Competition Crewe V Nantwich Interclub Competition added to Comp page.
Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v4.4.txt used for programme update.
No backup image taken
12/04/2024Comp 6 added for 9th April 2024
202324 Programme 20230822 v4.5.txt used to update programme table.
Plugin NextGEN Gallery available updated to v3.59.2
No backup image taken
18/04/2024News update for 16th April 2024
Multi-station Workshop – Jean Kay added.
Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v4.6.txt used for programme update.
No backup image taken
20/04/2024Judge chnaged for comp on April 23rd to John Royle. Script 202324 Programme 20230822 v4.7.txt used for programme update.No backup image taken
25/04/2024Set Subject Comp 6 added for 23rd April 2024
202324 Programme 20230822 v4.8.txt used to update programme table.
No backup image taken
20/05/2024AGM item added to News
Plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.82
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension updated to v2.57
TablePress available updated to v2.3.1
Vice Chairman cahged to Pete Allcock
Brian Sankey removed from Hon members
No backup image taken
28/05/2024Comp Rules document updated to cover resubmiited entries. From Emma.
Code Snippets updated to v3.6.5.1
GP Premium updated to v2.4.1
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.2.7
No backup image taken
4/07/2024Plugins updated:-
All-in-One WP Migration updated to v7.84
NextGEN Gallery updated to v3.59.3
TablePress available. View version 2.3.2
WP Fastest Cache updated to v1.2.8
News item added for July 4th 2024
No backup image taken
12/07/2024Programme for 2023/24 introduced.Backup taken